Thursday, January 14, 2010

By special request. . . .

Ok - this is for Terry - my own adaptation of a souvlaki marinade recipe - suitable for chicken, pork, lamb..... whatever. And I mean - WHATEVER - it's also pretty much a great recipe for Greek salad dressing.

* 1kg cubed meat lamb, beef, chicken or pork
* ½ cup olive oil
* 2 lemons - about 4 tablespoons juice
* ¼ cup wine
* 2 tsps dried oregano - RUBBED to release the oil
* 1 tsps dried thyme (maybe rosemary instead for chicken)
* 3 -4 garlic cloves, crushed although I prefer slices
* Salt and pepper

If you don't want to use red wine, use red vinegar.... I also throw in a splash of balsamic vinegar.

Use a glass bowl. Eassssse the oil into the lemon juice, beat until it is canary yellow... add other ingredients... politely introduce the meat to the oil.... marinate at least two hours. Grill or broil. Discard oil mixture( of course!). Serve with generous dollops of tzatziki! Forget about a date for the evening.

Now... you can use this recipe pretty much for salad too.... I use more vinegar than oil - 2 to 1. And add a pinch of sugar. And great lashings of fresh feta.

KALI OREXI (bon apetit!)

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